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Connect your domain by changing nameservers

Avoiding Email Downtime
If you currently have email services associated with your domain, be sure to read the important FAQ below before changing any settings.

Ready to go live?

To map your domain name to your QiSites website, you'll need to log into your domain registrar's website to change the DNS nameserver settings. Replace any existing nameservers with our nameservers:


Depending on your domain's current settings, nameserver changes may take up to 48 hours to propagate through the internet.

Nameserver Instructions for Popular Registrars

Alternate Configuration for 3rd Party Nameservers

If you wish to manage your DNS using 3rd party nameservers, you will need to update your DNS records through your domain provider's control panel. For proper website functionality, you will need the following records:

"A" Records
You will need to update your DNS "A" records. Your domain should have 2 DNS "A" records pointing to the following IP addresses:


"CNAME" Record
You will also need to add a DNS "CNAME" record for the WWW subdomain, that points to the primary domain.


Nameserver & DNS FAQ

Does changing nameservers transfer my domain registration?

No, changing nameservers routes traffic for your domain to our servers. It does not transfer the domain registration.

I currently have a website. What happens when I change nameservers?

Changing nameservers will make your old website go offline and will bring your new website online.

I currently have email accounts. How do I ensure my email keeps working when I change nameservers?

  • If you are using an email service like Google Workspace or Office 365, please send us the DNS records that your email provider requires before changing your nameservers.
  • If you are using an email account provided by your website host, please see your email options.

I changed my nameservers but I'm still seeing my old site. Why?

Nameservers can take up to 48 hours to propagate, so you won't immediately see the new site.

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