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Performance optimization

Improve the visibility of your acupuncture website.

Our Plus plan includes speed enhancements, search engine optimization (SEO) features, and Open Graph tags to improve the user experience and increase your website's visibility in search engines and social media. The Plus plan includes:

  • Accelerated website speed & performance.
  • Fast loading, mobile-friendly themes.
  • Optimized HTML <title> elements, META tags and ALT attributes.
  • Fully customizable <title> elements, META tags, and ALT attributes.
  • Automated social media Open Graph tags.
  • SSL encryption.
  • Automated HTML validation.
  • Fully crawlable website, including an XML sitemap.
  • Canonicalized URLs.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Google Search Console verification & submission.

Will Google consider my website "mobile-friendly"?

Yes, your site will be mobile-friendly, which is important because Google now factors mobile-friendliness into their search rankings.

When will my website be listed in Google?

A new domain can start showing in Google within a few weeks, but it takes at least 3 months to begin to accurately evaluate your Google rankings. Rankings change over time as you add content and gain backlinks.

I want a quick traffic boost. Can SEO do that?

No. Search engine optimization is about building a high quality website that can rank in searches. SEO should be considered a long-term strategy. If you are looking for a "quick fix", you might want to try paid search advertising using Google AdWords.

How can I improve my Google rankings?

Search engines take many factors into account when determining search rankings. Learn essential tips to earn your website a higher ranking.

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