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SEO Meta Tags

What are meta tags and how do I edit them?

You can edit the meta tags for a page by clicking on the Meta button in the upper right corner of the page (near Preview and Log Out).

Title Meta Tag

The title meta tag is often used by search engines to provide a blue link text in the search results list.

Description Meta Tag

The description meta tag is often used by search engines to provide a text snippet in the search results list. The snippet is the black text that appears beneath the blue link. Try to keep your meta descriptions under 25 words (180 characters) long.

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Keywords Meta Tag

The keywords meta tag is ignored by Google but is still used by Bing. However, Bing has stated that misusing the keywords meta tag can lead to penalties. So if you chose to add content to your keywords meta tag it should contain only a very brief comma separated list of the keywords that actually appear on the page.

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