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Attracting Links for Better SEO

SEO link building for acupuncturists

Why Do Links Matter?

Google considers a link to your website as a vote for your content. Sites with high quality back links are considered to have more authority and will perform better in search rankings than sites with fewer links. Attracting links is one of the best ways to increase your search engine visibility.

All links are not the same

Google takes into account the quality of the websites that link to you. Links from popular websites, or high-profile sites like newspapers, government websites, or universities are weighted more heavily. Google also factors in the content on the pages that link to you — especially the text of the link itself — so the keywords on those pages will affect the keyword relevance of your website.

Publish Original Content to Attract Links

Publishing original, high-quality blog posts is the foundation of link building. Quality is better than quantity, so focus on writing articles that people will actually find helpful. Great content may naturally attract links, but be sure to promote your content on social media to attract attention to your hard work.

Don’t Cheat

You may run across services that offer you thousands of links for a small fee. Don’t do it! Google is smart enough to know that these are fake links and you will end up hurting your website instead of helping it.

A Few Easy Links

When you’re just getting started, there are a few easy ways to get some links:

  • Add your website to your social media profiles.
  • List your business in industry databases, such as your state and national organizations.
  • List your business in local business directories, like your chamber of commerce.
  • List your website in your college’s alumni database.
  • Trade links with a few colleagues.
  • Write website testimonials for businesses you believe in — they’ll usually be happy to link to you.


Attract Links by Being Unique

Developing Your Offsite SEO

One of the key components to search engine optimization is developing inbound links, i.e. getting other website owners to link to your website. The greater the number of (relevant) inbound links, the better you will do in Google. But how do you get people to link to you? As Google’s Matt Cutts explains, the best way to attract links is by doing something unique that will capture the attention and curiosity of web surfers.

Finding your site on Google

Learn how to find if your site is in Google’s search results already, and if it’s not, how to get it included.

To add your content to Google, use our content submission tool:

Google Webmaster Tools

Google’s Webmaster Tools are useful for checking your backlinks (i.e. finding out who links to you) and for spotting possible errors on your acupuncture website that might hinder your search engine performance.

There's No One Official Google Result

SEO is Hard To Gauge

From Google’s Inside Search website:
People often talk about “the Google results” but the truth is there is no single “Google”—at any given time there are 50-200 different versions of our core algorithm out in the wild. Millions more when you realize your search results are personalized to you and you alone.

How can I optimize my acupuncture website on a small budget?

Acupuncture Website Search Engine Optimization

Doing SEO on your acupuncture clinic website takes time and effort. In this video Google’s Matt Cutts gives some great basic SEO advice: target a small niche market.

Google Places Listing

Get Your Acupuncture Website on Page One

local acupuncture website listings Want to get your acupuncture website found by people in your local area? Google Places listings appear in Google Maps and often show up at the very top of the Google search results page for location-based queries, e.g., boise acupuncturist. Listing in Google Places is free, so what are you waiting for? Listed your acupuncture practice in Google now…

Understanding Image ALT Attributes

Acupuncture Website Optimization

Google's Matt Cutts explains the importance of image ALT attributes for search engine optimization. Users of QiSites acupuncture website builder can edit their image alt attributes from within the image library.

Google Snippets & Meta Description Tags

Acupuncture Search Engine Optimization

Google’s Matt Cutts discusses how snippets work. Snippets are short bits of text that appear just below the blue link text in Google search results.

HINT: Snippets usually come from a page’s meta description tag. Users of QiSites acupuncture website builder can edit a page’s meta description tag by clicking the meta button.

Does Google use the keyword meta tag?

Keyword Meta Tag and SEO

Google does not use the keyword meta tag in web rankings according to Google’s Matt Cutts.


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