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Image Slideshows and Galleries

Animated Image Slideshows

It’s now easy to create elegant multi-image animated slideshows for your acupuncture practice website. Animated slideshows bring your site to life, creating visual interest, stronger branding, and a more engaging user experience. Learn how to create your first image slideshow today!

Image Galleries and Tours

Image galleries are a special type of slideshow that enable you to tell engaging visual stories with images and captions. Galleries are a great tool for creating virtual office tours or “what to expect” pages. Learn how to create your first image gallery now.


New Blog Options

Dateless blog posts

When blogs were originally invented they were intended to be used as personal journals or diaries. But these days many people use blogs as a way to publish articles. The traditional style of blog navigation uses a chronological archive, which is not the best solution for many blogs. That’s why we’ve added the ability to hide the publication dates and instead show a list of the titles of your most recent articles. Here’s how to access the new features:

In the Blog settings, select “don’t show dates” from the Date Style menu and select “most recent posts” from the Navigation Style menu.


Draft mode for pages

acupuncture marketing tools

New Feature: The draft mode feature allows you to work on a new page in private or temporarily remove a page from your website. Draft pages are only visible when you are logged into the editing tools — your visitors can’t access drafts. Learn more >


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