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Mobile Optimized Acupuncture Websites

Making Your Website Mobile Ready

Mobile ready acupuncture websites An increasing amount of web traffic is coming from mobile devices such as iPhone, Android, and Blackberry phones. Our sleek mobile optimized websites give mobile users the key features they need, while still enabling a full-featured experience for PC and tablet users. Mobile optimization is now included free on all of our websites. Some key features of our mobile ready design:

  • • Mobile users typically pay for a fixed amount of data per month. Our mobile optimization has eliminated inessential code, style sheets, and background images to make your pages as much as 90% smaller. This saves visitors money and makes pages download significantly faster.
  • • Mobile users may have different needs than regular web visitors. For example a mobile visitor is more likely to want to get directions to your office or call you to tell you they’re running late. Our sites now have the option to add Click to Call and Map & Directions buttons to your mobile home page.
  • • Mobile devices have small screens and are often held in portrait mode. Our streamlined mobile page layout automatically conforms to the width of the visitor’s phone so that your site always fits neatly on the screen.

Learn more about our mobile ready features >


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